We all start somewhere. For you, it's your very first day of SEO. Or, more precisely—for the sake of this guide—your first seven days of SEO. If you do any kind of web marketing, you know that business and website owners frequently ask for SEO advice. Answering can be difficult because, short of hiring a professional, it's hard to explain to absolute beginners where to start. For example, what do you tell the small manufacturing business owner who wants to learn the SEO ropes but doesn't have a year or two to master the finer details? The best answer has always been " read the Beginner's Guide to SEO ." And that's a great answer. For over a decade, the Beginner's Guide has served as a solid and frequently updated resource for those looking to cover the basics, mixing in-depth theory with practical application. I've personally referred people to it literally hundreds of times. To which the busy business owner replies, "That sounds great...